Investors and Board

EES Acquires Novinda’s Amended-Silicate Technology for Mercury Control from Utility & Industrial Power Plants

Environmental Energy Services, Inc. (EES), a privately held clean energy company utilizing innovative chemistry for energy efficiency, air pollution control, and water treatment for utility and industrial power plants announced today, that it has acquired the exclusive intellectual property rights and all associated assets for Amended-Silicate Technology from Novinda Holdings, Inc. The acquisition of the Amended-Silicate Technology expands EES’ current line of KLeeNscrub® mercury mitigation products for wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) to include plants with dry FGD and circulating dry scrubber technologies. Wet and Dry FGD technologies are used for SO2 emission control.

Making the announcement, Rick Nowak, President & CEO of EES said, “This acquisition strengthens our existing business by increasing the applicability of our current AQCS products to the power industry as well as expanding our offerings to the waste-incineration, cement, and other industrial power markets.”

Mark Keffer, EVP added “EES is currently discussing projects with several energy facilities interested in safer, environmentally friendly, corrosion-free solutions to mercury control, acid gases, organics and other pollutants from the combustion processes. The newly acquired Amended Silicates technology not only delivers a high level of mercury emissions capture but also preserves the beneficial use of fly ash, demonstrating exceptional SO3 tolerance besides being less corrosive on the balance of plant equipment.”

About EES

EES is a market leader in the coal-fired power industry, with CoalTreat®, anti-slagging and fouling prevention technology. EES also offers a comprehensive suite of combustion enhancement technologies to assist plants in meeting the proposed Affordable Clean Energy Rule (ACE) and water reuse/discharge technologies to meet upcoming Effluent Limitation Guidelines (ELG) requirements.

In January 2017, EES acquired Step Combustion, a specialized provider of in-furnace and post-combustion Air Pollution Control technologies for energy facilities. In October 2018, EES acquired Delta Measurement & Combustion Controls LLC (DMCCO) and Combustion Technologies Corporation (CTC). DMCCO’s analyzers, measuring CO, O2, NO assist in improving combustion and reducing NOx, loss-on-ignition, and slagging. CTC’s fuel and airflow measurement and balancing equipment provides advanced capabilities for energy efficiency improvements in fossil-fired power plants.

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